Desantis Golf Course Ambitions Threaten Florida State Parks

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Hobe Mountain Tower: Destroyed for Golf?

DeSantis' Golf Course Ambitions Threaten Florida State Parks

Hobe Mountain Observation Tower to be Relocated for Golf Courses

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has proposed a plan to build three golf courses at Jonathan Dickinson State Park, which would require relocating the popular Hobe Mountain observation tower. This move has sparked outrage among conservationists and park enthusiasts, who argue that it would destroy the park's natural beauty and violate the state's commitment to preserving its natural heritage.

The Hobe Mountain observation tower is a beloved landmark that offers stunning views of the park's diverse ecosystems, including the Loxahatchee River and the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular destination for hikers, birdwatchers, and nature lovers. The tower has also been designated as a historical landmark, recognizing its importance to the park's history and heritage.

The DEP's proposal to relocate the tower to make way for golf courses has raised concerns about the environmental impact of the project. The construction of golf courses requires extensive land clearing, grading, and irrigation, which can damage soil, disrupt wildlife habitats, and pollute waterways.

Critics of the plan also argue that it violates the state's commitment to preserving its natural heritage. Florida's state parks are supposed to be protected from development that would damage their natural resources or recreational value. The construction of golf courses at Jonathan Dickinson State Park would clearly violate this commitment.

The DEP's plan has drawn widespread opposition from conservation groups, environmentalists, and park enthusiasts. The Florida Wildlife Federation, the Sierra Club, and the National Parks Conservation Association are among the organizations that have expressed their concerns about the project.

The DEP is currently accepting public comments on the proposed plan. A public hearing on the project is scheduled for July 12, 2023. Those who wish to express their concerns about the project are encouraged to attend the hearing or submit written comments to the DEP.

The future of Hobe Mountain observation tower and Jonathan Dickinson State Park hangs in the balance. The DEP's decision on the proposed golf course project will have a significant impact on the park's natural beauty, recreational value, and historical heritage.